If you are unsatisfied with the service or data we provided and would like to request a refund, or cancel your account, please contact our Customer Support center and our team will be happy to assist you.
If you have mistakenly requested a chargeback instead of a refund, you can generally cancel that dispute within 10 days, depending on your bank. Charging back a legitimate transaction will result in us being charged fees, the permanent suspension of your account, and the refund, if issued, potentially taking longer to post to your account (plus we reserve the right to challenge your dispute with the bank).
Our customers’ satisfaction is of the utmost importance. If you require assistance, have any questions about your subscription, or are simply not sure how to proceed, please visit our FAQ section or contact us.
Cancelar la suscripción
I want to cancel my subscription
I want cancel my subscription
Quiero cancelar mi suscripción
I want to cancel my subscription so that they don't charge me.
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